An old, blind Marine accidentally stumbles into an all-girl biker bar, completely unaware of his surroundings. After feeling his way to the bar, he takes a seat and orders a shot of Jack Daniels.
As he settles in, he suddenly yells, “Hey, anyone here wanna hear a blonde joke?”
The room goes dead silent.
From beside him, a deep, authoritative voice calmly responds, “Before you go any further, I think you should know a few things.”
The voice continues:
1. “The bartender is a blonde woman with a baseball bat.”
2. “The bouncer is also a blonde woman.”
3. “I’m a blonde, 6-foot-tall, 175-pound black belt in karate.”
4. “The woman beside me is a blonde professional weightlifter.”
5. “And the lady on your other side is a blonde professional wrestler.”
The room stays silent as the Marine pauses to process what he just heard.
After a moment, he chuckles softly and says, “You know what? Forget it. I don’t feel like explaining the joke five times.”