
About Us

About Us
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Hi and thanks for stopping by and looking at our distraction’s website! Here I will be posting what I feel worth sharing to help expand the grey matter between your ears. Sometimes I post often, sometimes I either am myself distracted or just have not found something that I feel is fun, important, or worth sharing. This is sort of my own sounding board for what I feel is interesting and want to share with the world. Some of my visitors are not on Social Media, or are, but are not linked with my sites, so I decided to add another method of communication for what tickles my mind. [email protected] is our email address. If you have something you want to share, feel free to share with us the article details, or visit YourDailyDistration.com. This is the whole reason for this site, is to share information and give people something to think about! Also, if you appreciate the content we post, please visit our sister eCommerce site at YourDailyDistraction.com/shop. The shop is under construction but will be fully active soon. Here you can purchase something for yourself or a friend/significant other that you like which will help fund this blog. Much appreciated if you do! You can also “buy me a cup of coffee” to help contribute a small donation to me for the maintenance and upkeep of the site. It might seem simple, but a lot does go on behind the scenes with unexpected expenses. We are based out of Chicago, so if there are things posted that are Chicago centric, we apologize in advance. Your Daily Distraction will attempt to remain neutral about politics and religion, we don’t want to offend anyone and would like for our visitors to return and check out the site and see if there is anything new. Please also think about “sharing” our posts if you like on your favorite social media site you prefer. Thanks, and we hope we can make you laugh or get distracted by one of our posts. Have a great day!