
Happy New Year 2019!


We here at YDD want to wish you a Happy New Year, may it be healthy, prosperous, fun filled and not stressful! Thank’s for the continued support and we will continue to strive to bring you interesting content so you will come back. 2018 was a challenge, while 2018 was accepted and sparred with, we hope 2019 to be a fresh start. Sure, its just another day, but there is symbology behind the changing of the date. We hope you had a nice set of holidays, and for those of you who took advantage of our Shop.YourDailyDistraction.Com store discounts, we hope you and yours enjoy what you purchased. If you didn’t, that’s ok, we are always open online and you can come back at any time. We have a wide variety of products either custom made by our designer or hand curated from online providers.

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