Red light

Illinois – Fight back against those evil “Red Light Cameras”

Hate red-light cameras?


Red lightYou’re not alone.

Even while plagued by corruption scandals and technological flaws, red-light and speed camera programs have proven lucrative for local governments across Illinois. Mayors and village presidents continue to insist these programs are all about safety. But a recent study from Case Western Reserve University found that red-light cameras fail to increase traffic safety.

Now, you can fight back.

We’ve released a new tool on our website that allows you to find out if there’s a red-light camera program in your community and take action by contacting your mayor directly and voicing your support for a ban on red-light cameras.

You can access the red-light camera tool by visiting: redlights.illinoispolicy.org

Illinois municipalities should discontinue their red-light camera programs, which have for too long burdened motorists without making them safer.

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