Korina Bogdanovic’s Blog Hey all! Please check out my friends’ website about technology, she...
The Man Bun, SMH. Do not do this, you look retarded.
Ok, come on ladies and gentlemen, I need some help. I cannot find caffeine!
Minivan equipped with sensors makes four round-trips a day on a busy stretch of...
This is a brand new T-Shirt design that we made today, check it out!...
Someone wants in. All the same IP… “Gotch your ass”. I just need a...
Concrete foam Pretty cool and easy to apply to your given situation for repairs...
You have something on your shit – Office shirt pranks brought to you by...
For those who travel often:
Not Everyone Is Your ExI. completely agree with this, but at times it is...
This was so much fun to capture. Poi fire dancing performances… They have...
Rob Gronkowski I think the the most entertaining football player since the Bear’s Super...