“I want you to think about holding a hula hoop”

It is important to remember that we only have one hula hoop. Sometimes we have what looks like lots of hula hoops. Be careful to not try and juggle others’ hula hoops.
Things I can control & the things I should focus my time & energy on:
- My Attitude
- How I express Myself
- My Boundaries
- My thoughts and actions
- The choices I make
- Being adaptable to changes
- Where I put my time & energy
- My words
- The way I act
- How I respond
- My beliefs
- The way I treat others
Now, the things that I cannot control and focus my thoughts, actions, time, and energy on:
- Other peoples mistakes
- What happens around me
- Other people’s motives
- Other people’s happiness
- The past
- If people like or dislike me
- How others respond or react
- The weather
- The future
- Other peoples options
- What other people think or do
“God, grant me the serenity to accept the things I cannot change, courage to change the things I can, and wisdom to know the difference”

Words of wisdom and visionary thoughts.
A wise man and I were talking about my problems and the conversation summed up went sort of like this:
“I want you to think about holding a hula hoop”,
“Okay”, I said.
“What all fits inside your hula hoop”?
And I was like, what the hell is this dude talking about? And I looked at him and said, “Me”.
To which he responded, “Exactly. And that’s everything you have control of. So if it doesn’t fit inside your hula hoop, leave it alone”!
It was an equally frustrating and life-changing moment. But I love to think about it in super simple terms: If it doesn’t fit in my hula hoop. I can’t control it, and I don’t need to expend a lot of time and energy trying to control it. It is futile.