

Fearless Motivational Quote

Definition of inspiration

1: an inspiring agent or influence

2a: the quality or state of being inspired

     b: something that is inspired scheme that was pure inspiration
3: the act of drawing specifically: the drawing of air into the lungs
4a: a divine influence or action on a person believed to qualify him or her to receive and communicate sacred revelation
     b: the action or power of moving the intellect or emotions
     c: the act of influencing or suggesting opinions

The Inspirational History of Inspiration

Inspiration has a unique history in that its figurative sense appears to predate its literal one. It comes from the Latin inspiratus (the past participle of inspirare, “to breathe into, inspire”) and in English has had the meaning “the drawing of air into the lungs” since the middle of the 16th century. This breathing sense is still in everyday use among doctors, as is expiration (“the act or process of releasing air from the lungs”). However, before inspiration was used to refer to breath, it had a distinctly theological meaning in English, referring to a divine influence upon a person from a divine entity; this sense dates back to the early 14th century. The sense of inspiration often found today (“someone or something that inspires”) is considerably newer than either of these two senses, dating from the 19th century.

Examples of inspiration in a Sentence

Where does the inspiration for your art come from? His paintings take their inspiration from nature. She had a sudden inspiration. They would have the party outdoors! Deciding to have the party outdoors was sheer inspiration.