Very interesting Bonsai Garden!
A beautiful bonsai tree garden which has been painstakingly taken care of and trained into very amazing visual effects. Just beautiful!
These have to be decades old or even a century. The creations that the botanists crafted are just pure artwork. This first one appears to be flowering, and the others, well, are just breathtaking.
According to Dictionary.com, a bonsai is:
[ bon-sahy, -zahy, bohn-, bon-sahy, -zahy, bohn- ]
Noun, plural bonĀ·sai.
“A tree or shrub that has been dwarfed, as by pruning the roots and pinching, and is grown in a pot or other container and trained to produce a desired shape or effect.the art or hobby of developing and growing such a plant or plants.”
I would LOVE to see something like this in person vs online. I am sure that I would love it. But, I’d also be uploading my own video and pics if I knew I was going to be visiting something like this. Just magical and beautiful. One might think this is from a scene in a movie or “Photo-shopped”.