Regardless of your current situation in life, you have a spiritual contract to make...
“Stop focusing on what you don’t have, and take stock of all that you...
My cat and my tree are both plugged in and ready for Christmas.
Remind yourself to be kind toward yourself in all the choices that you make...
I’m Pretty Sure Fred Flintstone Drove Past My House Today.
“Anything that keeps you from growing is never worth defending” Wayne W. Dyer
Movies that speculate about the future often offer fascinating glimpses into imagined worlds and...
An old, blind Marine accidentally stumbles into an all-girl biker bar, completely unaware of...
While watching “Who Wants to Be a Millionaire” in bed, I turned to my...
N long allowed to go caroling at the Phych Hospital. I guess do u...
They cannot remember the words.
The biggest mistake we make in life is thinking we have time.
Should we be worried that 2025 begins with “wtf”?
A cat that dreams of becoming a lion must lose its appetite for rats.
Walmart – Light Up Christmas Gas can Sale.