Elon Musk Says US Prisoners Incarcerated For Weed Should Be Freed Because Of Brittney...
I’m proud of myself for not being fake. I’m difficult sometimes and have a...
I just realized that the paper towels by the gas pump are for wiping...
Decide what kind of life you actually want. Then say no to everything that...
There is a difference between a person who hurts you by making a mistake...
Communication is NOT the key to a successful relationship. Comprehension is. It doesn’t matter...
Be so confident in yourself that no one’s opinion will matter or keep you...
Hickies are outdated. Give your man a Black eye so those chicks know you...
Time and good friends are two things that become more valuable the older you...
We do not heal the past by dwelling there; we heal the past by...
Until there is a fundamental change in the delivery system, availability, and source of...
I don’t wanna adult anymore. Don’t even want to human. I wanna goat. Jump...
Don’t take anything for granted; everything can change in a moment. Be grateful for...
One more year like this and I’m swimming back to France. The Statue of...