Steampunk Tendencies - Whimsical Wooden Cottages At The Feet Of Tatra Moutains In Poland

Whimsical Wooden Cottages At The Feet Of Tatra Mountains In Poland
The architecture of the 19th century “Zakopianski style” (or Witkiewicz Style) is an art style, most visible in architecture, but also found in furniture and related objects, inspired by the regional art of Poland’s highland
Inspired by this cultural heritage and the famous Catalan architect Antonio Gaudi, Sebastian Piton has created houses straight out of fairy tales.
Very early on, Sebastian Piton began woodworking with his grandfather and his uncle both carpenters. Strengthened by his family heritage and experience, during his studies he was charmed by Gaudi’s softened roof curves, balconies, and fantastic fireplaces.
Here are two of his magical creations: